Over the past few months, along with a few friends, we have been intentionally giving each other a weekly challenge. It's a simple challenge, one that pushes us to think outside of ourselves and consider others. It might be as simple as, "Offer to carry groceries for someone this week," or "Offer to clean a friend's bathroom." At the beginning of this exercise, everyone was invited to put a challenge into a bowl. The kids added their ideas, the moms and dads did too. This week we were challenged to, "Be open and aware of the … [Read more...]
LoveBombing Homemade Blueberry Pies
Recently we were given pints and pints of blueberries. There were so many blueberries! We gave many boxes away but even then, were left with many more boxes. Teapot wanted to help me make blueberry pie. A few months ago I had picked up small, disposable pie tins. I said, "Let's make mini pies and LoveBomb* our neighbors!" She was all over it! She got out the aprons, put one on Little Man and we all got to work. We made a mess, but we had so much fun! *LoveBombing is an act of preparing and serving a meal or a … [Read more...]
Smashed Grilled Potato Recipe & a LoveBomb
No, that's not a typo. It's meant to say Smashed not Mashed. There are some meals where the culinary stars line up and ingredients meld together to deliver a feast that's a gift to the giver as well as the recipient. This past weekend, Devon cooked up a meal that was too good to keep to ourselves. I haven't LoveBombed in a while. Life has been too crazy. But, this weekend, I was reminded how important it is to take time out to share a meal and a moment with someone. Devon cooked up amazing Espresso Romano Filet … [Read more...]
#LoveBomb Thanksgiving Dinner
A bunch of us are gearing up to #LoveBomb at Safe House of Hope's Drop In Center in Baltimore, Thanksgiving week. We will be preparing, serving and sharing a meal with women who are victims of sex trafficking. We are still looking for volunteers to serve on November 23, 2011 from 11am-1pm, or to prepare food. Here are the details: When: Nov. 23, 2011 Time: 11am-1pm Place: 901 Hollins St. Baltimore, MD 21223 If you can't volunteer time that day, but want to help out, we need the following food items: Menu … [Read more...]
Operation #LoveBomb
Yesterday I mentioned that I was LoveBombed by Wendi of Bon Appetit Hon. Well, it turns out, I was the first of many. Last week on facebook and twitter there were messages popping up all over from people who had received a LoveBomb from Wendi. We invited Wendi to our table today to share the inspiration behind her Operation #LoveBomb. Operation Love Bomb would never have happened if it weren’t for Kristin and Chris Ann. The Love Feast ladies introduced me to the concept of LoveBombs with their posts about reaching out and … [Read more...]
I Got LoveBombed
LoveBomb: The act of preparing, serving and sharing a meal or morsel with someone. We've been intentionally LoveBombing people for three years now. It started with a bunch of skaters at a self made skate park called Ridge. A group of us would show up with a grill, burgers and mountain dew and make them food. As they ate, we'd listen to them, ask about skating, their lives...listen some more. Then we'd go home. It was nothing more than a LoveBomb, an act of kindness, no strings attached, no agenda, other than to spend some … [Read more...]
Tablescaping for a Skater Brother
Last fall we took a him in. He's a good kid who had too many curve balls thrown his way. He needed a break. We hoped our home would be the break he needed. Our kids quickly opened up their hearts and rooms to him and let him in. Little Man calls him his brother. Drama Boy calls him, "His brother from another mother." Recently he turned 18. We helped throw a party for him. Wanting to honor his passions without belittling him with youthful decorations, I came up with this. Throughout last year, when we … [Read more...]
For Japan With Love
We know it's Fancy Friday. But, today we are not feeling so fancy. Bloggers Ever Ours and and Utterly Engaged teamed up to organize a blogger's day of silence For Japan With Love. Our hearts break for those people whose lives have been devastated and turned upside down. We are standing with our fellow bloggers and asking you to send support to Japan through Shelter Box. Send a LoveBomb to Japan. … [Read more...]