Table - Join the conversation around our table!

Happy New Year!

This is how we chill it, Minnesota style--out in a snowbank in sub degree temps!!  We are having a cozy New Year's, in this year.  We are thinking about our friends far and wide, friends that we have rung in many a more festive New Years with...but, we are content and cozy in our home awaiting our crack into this very nice sparkling wine.  Kristin & Devon are celebrating in their home with a couple of our other dear friends and at some point we will ching our glasses to the receiver of the telephone like we have for quite a … [Read more...]

Jamie Oliver and other British Wonders

My brother married a wonderful English lass!  She's creative, beautiful and in touch with our slight obsession for all things food.  Every year, we exchange names amongst the siblings and their spouses.  This year my brother had my name.  But, as my (newly added) sister in law discovered, it is still the wife's job to round out the gifts (and sign all the Christmas cards!).  So, I opened a beautiful scarf from Scotland that my brother had chosen all by himself.  He really nailed it!  It's gorgeous!  The next two gifts were … [Read more...]

New Year Mantra

The humor will come.   That's what I keep telling myself.... There are certain bloggers out there that are witty and clever.   Very witty and clever.  And I'm happy for them.  Really.  It's just that--  do they have four to five kids, dishes to do, shoes to pick up, piles of laundry, cakes to bake, beds to make, school parties to attend, baths to be drawn and so on?  I think not!  I think these clever witty food bloggers are lounging around in their pjs today, sipping tea, and reforming their paragraphs at leisure, updating their … [Read more...]


  Pull up a chair, invite a friend and join us! … [Read more...]

Cookbook Events for Wanna Be Foodbloggers

We couldn't believe our good fortune.   We had invented our self proclaimed jobs:  food bloggers and cookbook writers and had decided we were big.  At least, big in our own minds.  So, bolstered by our gusto, guts, and the need to quite frankly, just get out of the house, we were going to do this thing.  We had psyched ourselves up, convinced our husbands (it didn't take long, we're a force to be reckoned with), and told our kids (mommies can't be quitters)--there would be no turning back now, be it, rain, floods, lightening, or … [Read more...]

Join us at the LoveFeast Table! Cheers!

Here we are!  Four friends toasting the beginning of our blog:  The Love Feast Table.  The purpose of our blog is to begin a discussion that we hope spreads about friends and family, and gathering at the table around good food, and of course life's adventures!  We have had so many amazing memories around the table, many of those times we thought too good not to share!  So, we are going to begin a conversation about these memories, past, present, and hopefully future!  We are hoping you, the reader, will come join us at our … [Read more...]