Thank you for joining us for Fancy Friday! The prompt today is, “Share a time with or memory of your mom, where life was Beauty Full.” The Inlinkz link up button is at the bottom of the page along with our featured giveaway. Thank you for joining us!
Handmade Paper Dolls
Kristin’s Memory
The above picture isn’t very beautiful, but the memory is Beauty Full. On Christmas Eve this year, we had another flood. This time in our storage unit. Directly under the busted pipe was my childhood scrapbook. It was ruined. But it was so full of memories I decided to go through page by page and capture them on camera. One of the pages took me back to a time when I was about my daughter’s age (10).
Growing up, my father was a pastor. Where there was a lack of money, both my parents made up for it with creativity. My mother especially. She was pretty passionate that we take a vacation every year, whether we could afford it or not. Usually those vacations meant pitching a tent and camping out so there were funds to visit historical sites or amusement parks during the day. She was a teacher too, so we were always learning. Vacations were special. They meant turkey lunch meat on sandwiches and not the usual bologna and mustard and green grapes instead of red delicious apples. But, one of my favorite vacation treats, were the extra special creative things my mom would tuck into the trip, to keep us occupied. She would make me paper dolls. She would draw me, the doll. Then she would create page after page of outfits for me to dress my doll with. Then I would spend the car ride, coloring and adding detail. I’d carefully cut them out and do a fashion show for my mom and dad.
I’m sure she saw the lingering in my eyes when we went to Williamsburg, VA and I saw the colonial paper dolls. But, like a caring mama, she wanted to give me my heart’s desire, so she improvised using her greatest gift, creativity.
Anyone who links up a post to today’s Fancy Friday, will be entered to win one of our Life is Beauty Full pillows. Retail $120.