For a while now, we have been hosting a Friday meme called Fancy Friday. Every Friday we share a bit of the images of travels, foods, sights, colors, textures and things around us that inspire us. We call those special things “fancy”. Mostly, because they make us feel happy. Fancy can be as simple as a handful of sharpened color pencils or as majestic as a view of an Indian Temple, the colors of a bowl of mixed berries, or herbs sprouting out of a pot. If it is what motivates your day, leads your dream, whispers inspiration, catches your eye and puts a smile on your face~then it’s fanciful enough to share! To give you an idea here are some of our past examples.
If you look at the top of our navigation page, under Experience, you’ll find the Fancy Friday button. Here you will be able to grab a badge to put on your site, and take a look at the upcoming Fancy Friday themes. We would love for you to join us!
We can’t reiterate enough how there is no one way to handle the themes…there is no wrong way. For instance, if you see the topic is Pumpkin…you could write your Fancy Friday post on pumpkin pies, pumpkin picking, all things pumpkin colored or your little guy whom you call pumpkin. We love Fridays because it helps us to think outside the box and find inspiration in unexpected places.
This week, instead of a meme, we want to introduce to you the themes for August. We are loving the interaction that is going on right now at our table and want to extend that love. So for the next four Fridays we will be doing BlogLove Fancy Fridays.
August 5~Fancy Friday~LOVE…feature other blogs that inspire you on a day to day basis, especially in the areas of art, design, decor, projects, fashion and bits & baubles.
August 12~Fancy Friday~FEAST…feature other blogs that inspire you in the kitchen with their recipes, food art, food memories…or a favorite chef’s blog, restaurant or unique food.
August 19~Fancy Friday~TABLE…feature storytelling blogs or a vlog that does great interviews. Maybe a blog that just has great table talk, a unique perspective on life.
August~Fancy Friday~LIFE…feature blogs that are about travel, or the journey. How about a blog that focuses on giving back in the way of service, or bringing awareness to a cause. You could also feature a blog that writes about amazing events, or shares a unique friendship.
We hope this inspires you to take a look at your online relationships in a unique and fresh way. We are amazed daily by how the virtual world has enhanced the way we view our world. And if you are a reader, we hope you enjoy the inspiration by visiting all the blogs that participate and join the conversation by leaving a comment.