Fancy Friday At LoveFeast Table

This is really where we spent most of the weekend…in front of our computers, drawing, writing, planning, and noshing on bites our husbands brought to us.  Kids came in and out, crawled on our laps, dogs muddled around our feet, the front door opened in and out with neighborhood kids, but we stayed focused only coming up for air to eat, and our night out at Heidi’s.  You see we are working on a LoveFeast Table re-design.

For us, it doesn’t take long when we are together to get our creative juices flowing.

So, we decided on Friday’s we are going to begin sharing with you the things that inspire us.

Sometimes it may be a restaurant that inspires us.

Or, a midnight snack we shared together.

We might get inspired by the things we are trying to create.

All sort of things lead to inspiration.

And inspiration gives us the power to keep creating.

We’re gonna call it Fancy Fridays….now, tell us this, what inspires you?


  1. […] weeks ago, when the LoveFeast Table gang was together in Minnesota.  We came up with some fun!  Somewhere between the planning, the cheers, and the cheese a plan was hatched to invite Ryan to join in the cooking and the fun!  […]

  2. […] road-trip!  A friendship or should I say twitter-ship began between us and the next thing we know, one Fancy Friday while we were working the doorbell rang and some Breville boxes arrived on the porch.  The […]