Gift Wrapping & Organizing Tips


Gift wrapping is one of my favorite things to do.  I love the creative process of selecting ribbons, bows and wrap.  I love preparing my gift for presentation and thinking of the anticipation the look of it will bring.


The chaos I create when creating or particularly when gift wrapping…well let’s just say, this is an area that I have worked hard on to change.   This year I found buckets, baskets and totes to calm my creative chaos.  Because you see I have a history…


One of Kristin and my favorite old stories is around the theme of gift wrapping.  One year, way back when we lived in Maryland together.  Kristin and her husband Devon came to our rescue.  Well, lot’s of times they came to our rescue, near-burnt roasts have been saved, houses been cleaned, grills warmed, drinks mixed, babies bathed, and near dead-dog tragedies been amended.  But, this time it was around gift wrapping.  And, dinner.  You see Todd and I had to pack up to go to drive to Minnesota as we did many years before we finally moved here.  It was very late at night.  Kristin called over to see how we were doing.  Perhaps it was the edge in my voice.  Perhaps it was the manic laughter when I stammered, “still wrapping!”

Wrapping~it can be part of the gift giving piece that sneaks up on you.  You may get the gift but forget the time it takes for presentation or not have all the right stuff gathered and handy.


So, back to my story and the particular year Kristin found me way behind schedule, still wrapping, in need of laundry to be done, suitcases to be packed.  And~oh, we hadn’t eaten dinner.  But, I can tell you for sure.  Gifts were being wrapped pretty-style!  Because I’m stubborn about it.  Because I care.  Because I like it.  But, let’s just say in the process more than a few bobbles of ribbon had unwound, snippets of scraps had been flung and creative clutter had collected.


Later and by the time Kristin found me up in the spare room…ribbon and paper had actually covered every inch of the room and had literally found it’s way to unravel down the hallway and stairway to another floor.  I was “creating” in a design disaster.  I had not noticed until the moment her silhouette appeared in the doorway of the room and she gasped, “oh my gosh!” and started laughing.  And, then finally looked away from the gift I had been wrapping and surveyed my surroundings.  I was nearly buried.  But, as a true best friend.  Kristin didn’t judge, rather she inquired, “where exactly were you sitting?” as she crawled in to take over.

And, that is not all.  While my husband Todd and I worked to pack it all up.  Devon came with hot leftover dinner from a catering job.  So, we were wrapped and packed.  Then, while our little ones slept upstairs and Kristin and Devon’s were watched at home by a grand-mom, we four sat at our dining room table and had dinner.  The chaos and the clamoring to get ready stopped and we savored a moment at the table.  Four friends enjoying a real Christmas gift, being there for the little things and the big, delving in and helping and stopping to savor life’s “real” moments.  It was a Christmas-time meal I will never forget.


My tips on wrapping are this:

1.  Set up a gift wrapping station.  Maybe a small table off to the side or in the basement that has all the stuff you need including a trash can, packing and scotch tape and scissors.

2. Gather pretty wrap, tissue paper, bubbles wraps, packing material, boxes of all styles.

3. Gather inspiring ribbons, yarn, twine, ornaments of all colors and textures to add embellishment to your gift wrap.  Don’t be afraid to do something that doesn’t “match” perfectly.  Sometimes there is more beauty and whimsy in the imperfect and colorful.

4.  Have gift tags, markers and pens ready to add the name tag to your gift.

5.  Enjoy a creative moment with yourself!!

6.  Worst case scenario, call a friend for help!


For more great gift wrapping ideas I found, Have And Hold Design’s Friday Wrap series very inspiring!  Check out: Holiday Gift Wrapping Tips, Re-used Paper and Icy Winter Streamers.

Do you have any idea, tips or inspiration to share?


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin and Caterham Business. Caterham Business said: Gift Wrapping & Organizing Tips […]

  2. […] it all in a time or two.  (Link to the “Christmas Giftwrapping Tips and Inspiration post HERE – better named, the “Wrapping Paper Incident […]

  3. A Feast To Share Gift Basket With Merry Christmas Ribbon

    […] orite things to do.  I love the creative process of selecting ribbons, bows and […]
