We’d like to start by thanking all of our LoveFeast readers for being a part of our LoveFeast journey and community! We began this blog over a couple of years ago over sweet potato fries and some cold beers at the Golden West Cafe in Baltimore, Maryland. We were two best friends who after years together raising our families and building great memories with our husbands and children were now living states apart. We had always had creative interests. And, in that particular afternoon it all felt “possible“. We originally had in mind to write a cookbook memoir around the times we had shared over the years at the table using recipes created during the time Kristin and her husband Devon owned a cafe in Old Ellicott City, Maryland. We soon learned that blogging would be a good place to start to create a good platform to find other foodies, writers, authors and eventually an editor or agent. So, we began our blogging path creating LoveFeast Table in September of 2008. We rose to the challenge of learning new technology and soon found our creative juices flowing with inspiration of what our eventual website might look like and where it might lead us. Along the way it became important to us to have an opportunity to meet with other bloggers in real life. So, we started our BlogLove™ events as a way to connect our brand and build real life relationships. We began hosting them in the cities we live in, Minneapolis and Baltimore. It was a great excuse to meet each others local peeps and get some time in real life! We have found blogging and our events to be a great opportunity to share our passion for entertaining, inspiring and building relationships with other bloggers and brands.
We want to let you know where we are in our LoveFeast journey right now. Well…right, right now…we are actually in some technological transitions. We are getting some updates and some “things” fixed behind the scenes. Along with our posting, we are building a more inspiring and hopefully beautiful site. We have “a guy” who is working on that. And we have “another guy” working on our logo and brand design.
What does that mean? Well, for beginners connecting with you, our readers is the most important thing. Our new design will give us the ability to comment back in a more efficient way. It will give you the opportunity to navigate our history and our archives. It will give clearer information about our BlogLove™ events too. We are also looking forward to new ways we can continue to work with brands and bloggers at our BlogLove™ events. We are hoping as we grow to also add affiliate and sponsorship ads to supplement the building of this site. We will be filling our LoveFeast Shop with items that we curate to inspire and bring beauty to you home and life. We are going to share our journey along the way!
We would love to have your feed back as well! We want, like any guest at our table, you to feel welcomed to join in, invited to share, to savor the moment, enjoy lingering and to return to join us at the table again. So, what would you like to see? What needs to be changed or is confusing? What would make you feel more comfortable?
We’re growing! We hope you enjoy following our journey and where it takes us! We hope you find inspiration along the way to savor a beautiful life! We look forward to sharing more with you at our table! Chris Ann & Kristin
For now~Here are some ways to connect and help us grow our blog!
1. Be a “guest at our table”. Sign up and follow us in a RSS feed. What’s that? Good question. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. In simple terms it is a really easy way for you to read our blog. It will make our blog come to you in an easy format. Sort of like, having a newspaper chucked at your doormat. To do this, simply type in your email address in the box at the top-right of our page and hit subscribe. If you use iGoogle or MyYahoo or any RSS reader you can click on the RSS picture and follow the directions on your reader site.
2. Join us on our Facebook Fan Site.
3. Follow us on Twitter. @lovefeast This is really easy, really. Or you can lurk for free and read our behind the scene conversations right on the front page of our blog!
4. Share! Send this post in a link to your email, or Facebook or twitter list and invite your contacts to join us at the table!!
Thanks! If you did any of those steps you just made us smile real big and helped us grow!