My brother married a wonderful English lass! She’s creative, beautiful and in touch with our slight obsession for all things food. Every year, we exchange names amongst the siblings and their spouses. This year my brother had my name. But, as my (newly added) sister in law discovered, it is still the wife’s job to round out the gifts (and sign all the Christmas cards!). So, I opened a beautiful scarf from Scotland that my brother had chosen all by himself. He really nailed it! It’s gorgeous! The next two gifts were definitely wifey chosen! Laura chose a pleated bib front shirt from Aubin and Wills. This is the sister company to Jack Wills, the outfit that Laura designs for! But, at the bottom of the pile of packages, there was a flatter present wrapped and patiently waiting to be opened. As I slowly (okay, not so slowly) tore into the paper, Jamie Oliver’s premier mag issue was smiling back at me! I have been slowly digesting each page and savoring every article and picture! I have to admit, I’m only half way through. I want this moment to last! It is a beautiful magazine…grainy pics, colorful shots and witty articles. There is one thing I know, without a doubt, Jamie Oliver would be our friend if he lived next door. I think everything my husband Devon loves is featured in this launch issue. There is a wonderful article about root veggies and a discussion on Scotch. If you read on, Jamie features the Rocket man! Have you ever had a fresh rocket salad? Most people in the US don’t even know what rocket is! It’s a staple in our home! Then to wrap up this incredible delight (yes, I flipped to the back page) there is an article written by Jamie’s wife Jools. As she discusses food cravings during pregnancy, I couldn’t help but think, she would also be a best friend on this side of the pond. She shared about her need for anchovies and chewing on rubber. After reading her bit, it is apparent who rounds out this culinary family!
Ahh…after opening all the wonderful “prezzies” from my British family, I tried to devise a way to steal a ride back in their suitcases. I think I would be able to move there, love the clothes, get lost in the food and immediately have new best friends (or should I say, other side of the pond best friends…cause our Minnesooota bffs could never be replaced)! This Christmas made me hunger for more British wonders!