LoveFeast Experiences Life

“The best way to gain great writing  content  is to experience life.”  We think we heard this at one of the blogging conferences we have attended. It was one of those statements that hit home for us, because we are firm believers in taking a bite out of life.

We love to get our hands dirty in the mud while gardening, spotted with paint while re-purposing furniture, pile our dishes in the sink so we can continue to sit and share conversations with our dinner guests (and not get to them till morning) and take chances even at the risk of failure….or fun!

Kristin parasailing with her sister in law this summer.

LIFE here at our table is about those experiences…the tangible, real life experiences we choose to immerse ourselves in.  This week, we want to share them with you.  But, not just as a “sit in your office chair and read about them” kinda way…more like a “pick one that you want to participate in” kinda way.  Tomorrow we are going to share a a little more about The Traveling Cookbook we are getting ready to send off and on Wednesday we are welcoming a guest who took a hold of LoveBombing and turned it into a full fledged Operation.  Later this week, we’ll share a bit of our traveling bug with you and look forward to hearing about your traveling adventures.

We really are serious when we say, “Join us on the journey!”  There is so much to experience in life and when you bring a friend (or two, or five, or twenty) along, the outcome tends to be richer, more dynamic and it can create a ripple that will effect many more along the way.