LoveFeast Table’s Random Sevens …


1.  This is my favorite picture this month because I got a new camera lens, and it makes even my dirty dishes beautiful.


2.  I love mornings in Minnesota when they are frosty, pink, and serene.  This is an untouched photo.  The little strings of red our my neighbors bird feeders.


3.  This is our silver chalkboard frame.  Kristin brought it over to me as our moving truck was loading up for our move to Minnesota.  You can read the back-story on all that here.  The chalk board use to be in their coffee shop.  It holds lots of memories for us all.


4.  When my husband and I were in college we took a swing dancing class.  This is our Wild Horse Experience.


5.  After many years, we finally bought furniture for our bedroom.  I tracked down the very last one of these Anthropologie dressers in the United States of America.  I almost gave up, but I made one last phone call and they had it.  I drove to Chicago 4 months later and picked it up.  It was a clearanced for 300 bucks.


6.  This is the first time I ever shot a gun.  I loved that I did it, but I didn’t love it.


7.  I love my dog.

This Random Sevens idea came from Ryan over at his blog, This is Reverb.  A while ago,  LoveFeast Table presented a  TakeOn Challenge with Ryan and he made this.  I’m sure his food was as tasty as ours.