LoveFeast “Takes Flight” Bags & GiveAway

Over the past week I’ve gotten a lot of IRL (In Real Life) time with some of my blogging friends.  One of the things I like about blogging is the community it builds as well as the friendships it launches.

Meeting for coffee or lunch is a welcome break from solo time behind the computer.  Sometimes you just have to reach out and do lunch IRL style.  And, I have been doing just that lately.

(Anna from Motherly Law, Jennifer ~ Grow With Graces, Kate ~ Kate In The Kitchen, Elle ~ All Things Bright & Beautiful, Maggie ~ Gussy Sews & not shown but at our table,  Anna  ~  Girl With Blog)

Of course a chat over a hot drink gets the ideas percolating.

With all that IRL time comes inspiration to work together.  Today I’m going to tell you about the adorable and handy LoveFeast inspired /Gussy made “Takes Flight” clutch bags!  The “Takes Flight” Clutch is going to be part of the swag we are giving away this Friday at our  BlogLove™ event in Baltimore, Maryland.  We’re going to be giving away 5 of these cute bags at our “Take Flight” Event.  Here’s a closer look at the LoveFeast Gussy “Takes Flight” Clutch.

We chose 2 color styles for the clutches.  We started with a fresh green color palate and the caged bird fabric.  We meant for the fabric to symbolize your ideas and passions that are ready to fly!  Each clutch has coordinating inside liners in a different coordinating color as well as either a plum ruffle or a floral ruffle.  The clutch is 10″w x 7″deep, with a wrist strap.

We also designed it to have a fabric divider inside.  Sections are always handy.  In the case of the chance that you are a blogger we thought they would be a handy divider for business cards to give and business cards you receive at blogger events.  And, of course there is plenty of room for a small flat camera and a phone.

Here’s some more news!  These very bags are going to be selling exclusively in our LoveFeast Shop in March when we launch our new website.  (Oh ya…we have lots to catch up on!!)  But for now here’s a last peek!

**If you are a blogger~it is not to late to come to BlogLove™ Baltimore “Takes Flight”!  We’d like to spend some IRL time with you!  Inspiration & ideas take flight when we’re together encouraging each other!  You can get a ticket here:

What are your aspirations?  What ideas do you have that you would like to see take flight?  Leave a comment and share your story to WIN your in “Takes Flight” Clutch!  (Giveaway ends 1/23/11 at 2 eastern.)  VISIT Gussy Sews for more cute bag inspiration!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin and ChrisAnn and Kristin. ChrisAnn and Kristin said: #GiveAway LoveFeast "Takes Flight" bags made by @GussySews! […]

  2. […] got safely back to my room every night (directionally challenged, anyone?)  And, here I am with my “Takes Flight” clutch from Gussy Sews.  It was perfect for holding all the business cards at […]