Momz Share~Simply Leap!

” Simply Leap, is about these shifts. Sometimes it’s a huge step into the unknown. Usually, it’s altering how you think and your view of what’s possible.” ~Lauree Ostrofsky (life coach at Simply Leap) two 056

Lauree went on to explain to us that sometimes when a person is ready to take a risk, they jump right off the cliff!  But, others need to have subtle shifts in their thinking before even making a small step.  Chris Ann and I quickly shared that we are cliff jumpers…it’s in both our first born personalities.  We usually risk and leap, then adjust the other steps to catch up.  We are both passionate. two 045

What are you passionate about?

That was the question asked to us by Lauree at the Momz Share event we attended this past weekend.  Chris Ann and I usually answer, “What aren’t we passionate about?!”  We are passionate about our families, art, sharing meals, the moment, the future…and helping others find their passions!  We really like that part! We find ourselves constantly encouraging others to pursue their dreams.  “Why wait?! Leap!”  But, Lauree gave us a new way of seeing those who need to make subtle shifts first.  We tend to blaze right on by.

simply leap

During Momz Share I found myself lingering behind during the raffle drawings.  I gave Chris Ann my tickets and we split up.  It was great, because I had all the food vendors to myself for a few moments!  I was first drawn to Theresa Luongo, Chief Sweetness Officer of Treets.

treet owner

Treet is an online bakery that specializes in gluten free products that use local and organic products.  I loved her turquoise look! The girl was branded to the hilt!


Being totally curious, I asked her how she got in the business.  She was living in NY and was in marketing.  She decided life was too short to not be able to contribute back to the the world.  She started thinking about how she could make a difference.  Sweets! Treets!  She realized that such a simple thing makes people smile.  I was hooked!  She quit her job and entered pastry school.  She is pursuing her passion and making people smile along the way! Not to mention her Vegan Hot Chocolate Brownies are to die for!

caramel cupcakes


Please go visit her and place an order.  You won’t be disappointed!


After sampling one of everything at Treets, I introduced myself to The SouperGirl.  This is a fabulous idea! Just like with Treet, you order soup online and they deliver it to you!  The soup was delicious!  I tasted a lentil apricot soup.


lentil soup

Having owned a vegetarian coffee shop, I told owner, Sara Polon, just how needed this was in the wholesale market as well.  When we owned Jahva House, it was nearly impossible to find vegan and vegetarian soups that were organic and delicious!  Sarah AKA SouperGirl, cooks with her mom AKA Soupermom.  They are the dynamic duo in the kitchen! Helping each other leap off tall buildings in a single bound!


Then I crossed the room to introduce myself to the token men of the evening, Jason Suggs and Gabriel Hawkes from Done Right Catering.  I love their story! Five friends who had a passion for food and service, quite their jobs, pooled their savings and took a major jump!  They started this catering company on pure passion!  I tasted their cheese and pepper dip and really was amazed.

pepper and cheese

Now I have to say here, that it takes a lot to get me to enjoy a “cheese spread” but this one was good!  They explained the love that went into the wings…aged jalepenos and habeneros soaked in rum.  I knew (being a total foodie) these were not just Sysco, outta the bag, caterers.

chicken wings

We began to share stories and favorite foods.  We talked catering and parties.  (These guys shared my language!)  Gabriel even let me in on a “family” favorite that is prepared by Jason every year.  White chocolate and cherry ham.  When I asked if it was “food high” worthy, they both murmured in agreement a firm yes! (They even knew what I meant by food high!) Now, I am always curious.  So I asked about this recipe.  “White Chocolate sauce…is it creamy?” They exchanged glances and obviously wanted to check with each other to see if I could be trusted.  “It’s more like a slurry.”  That was good enough for me.  We also talked following passions and what it means to gather people around the Table.  As my new brothers said, “We were havin’ church!”

At LoveFeast Table we love to meet people who follow their passions!  We love people who are leaping and taking risks!  We’re sorry we didn’t get to meet all of the risk takers that night, but we could feel the passion in the air!

CA, Cara, Kristin n Angie

nielson/ellie bellie

scarey mommy and friends


Here are a few other women we met that night who are out there doin’ their thing!

Nilsen Life this lady can write!! Plus she hails from Catonsville…the town where Chris Ann and I met!

Land of Bean Cara is in a play group with me and has another amazing site BlogTrotting.

EllieBellie Kids Jennifer sells capes for those who want to fly!

Seriously A Homemaker Angie will keep you laughing with her antics!

Parentopia‘s Devra was incredibly helpful and full of much needed knowledge! Thank you Devra for taking time with us!

The Bingham Diaries This lady is one amazing mother and cool Casual Blogger!

A Parent in Silver Spring She did a wonderful job hosting!

Hip As I Want To Be Jennifer along with Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom’s Dipaola Momma are the masterminds behind Momz Share!

Thanks for a wonderful night~~We tip our Espresso Martini With a Kiss, in the air to all of your dreams & passions!!!


  1. […] reached some blogging milestones, got new cameras and equipment, went to conferences and meet-ups and even launched and hosted our very own, BlogLove™ events.  Some of our highlights include our […]

  2. […] got our inspiration this week from Devra, who we met at Momz Share.  She is the co-author of Parentopia, and her latest post is called, “What’s In Your […]
