Table Guest ~ Laura Tremaine ~ Hollywood Housewife

It’s not uncommon for blogger friendships to start online.  We first met Laura Tremain on Twitter.  We became chatty – familiar.  Then, while scouting outfits for a Blissdom (blogging conference) fashion post, Chris Ann game across “the dress” – only to realize, it was being worn by none other than Laura, their LoveFeast Twitter friend.  A half a year later, the LoveFeast girls met up with Laura at BlogHer in NYC, to find that the launch of online friendships blossom IRL (in real life)We will always remember the London and sharing conversation and life stories across the table.  We are excited to have our friend Laura, a writer, a mother and a Hollywood Housewife –  join us at our table today to share more of her story. (picture above Linda, Kristin & Chris Ann, Laura ~ BlogHer 2010)















1.) What is your passion?

I am most passionate about the written word.  My perfect hour is spent alone, reading something brilliant and writing something passable.  Through my blog, I’ve recently become passionate about helping people making baby steps to change their lives, empowering women to live their own fairy tale, whatever that might be.

2.) If you’re pursuing that passion, what or who inspired you to begin?

I am lazily pursuing my biggest passion and dream, which is writing.  I write on my blog several times a week, but really there are only a few pieces a month that I consider “real” writing.  Still, the daily discipline of posting something online has made me a better writer and is a baby step toward a more substantial goal.

There are so many things that I wish I could do more seriously within my literary passions, but I’ve accepted that this season of my life – pregnant mom to a toddler – can’t be all about me.  I know many women can juggle all of this with grace and aplomb, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve accepted my limitations.  Between the blog and a few smaller-scale goals, I hope to give my writing passion a more serious turn in the next few years.

3.) Was there a book you read, or an author you met that was a turning point for you?  That point where a light bulb went off and you knew you wanted to be a writer? Or was it more of a gradual revelation?

I’ve known I wanted to be writer since I was a child.  Starting in elementary school I would devour books, sometimes one a day.  My mom could hardly keep up buying them for me!  Which means that I started pulling from my older siblings’ bookshelf and read some pretty adult things when I was really young.  My parents never censored them from me, though, and looking back I really appreciate that.

When I was probably eleven or twelve, I wrote a fan letter to Judy Blume and she wrote back!  She was very encouraging and this reply from one of my favorite writers sticks out to me as a moment that cemented my life in the literary world.

Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many authors I’ve admired, have watched several dear friends secure book deals, and even walked out of a reading by one of my very favorite writers.  I’m lucky to live in a city and have friends in a community that stays creative and driven.

4.)  What type of book are you interested in writing?  Fiction, non-fiction?  Do you have an idea that you have been percolating on?

It depends on which day you ask me!  When I was younger I wrote almost exclusively fiction, but it was for my eyes only.  Blogging is the first experience I’ve had writing regularly for an audience and it has been exclusively non-fiction.  I like both, but I’m much more gun-shy about my fiction work.

5.)  What is your favorite book read of 2011?

This hasn’t been the most booming year of favorite reads, but I was fascinated by both Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom and Justin Cronin’s The Passage.

6.)  Why do you think it is important for people, and specifically women and mother’s (since you are about to have a new baby any day now)…to pursue their passions?

Because it’s so easy to get lost in everything else.  Our lives are full of To Do’s and they can pleasurably fill a day, a week, a year.  But in the end all of our To Do’s are sort of empty aren’t they?  And who you are in relation to others – a wife, a mother, a friend – also changes over time and can leave you feeling like there is nothing left of yourself.

I love John Wooden’s quote, “Never mistake activity for achievement.”

Thanks Laura!  We are so glad to have you join us at the table!
Chris Ann & Kristin











*GIVEAWAY*  Laura is about to give birth to her baby at any moment!  To celebrate with our friend we sent her a Mother’s Tree Of Life necklace from our LoveFeast Shop.  Guess what?  She’s sharing the love by offering a Giveaway of the same necklace from us (with customized birthstones, of course!) Leave a comment sharing your favorite thing about Fall at her giveaway post to enter ~ the giveaway is going on through Sunday, October 16th.

(UPDATE:  Laura welcomed a little Pirate into the world yesterday evening.)

Do you have a favorite time at the table, like our time at The London?


  1. […] of our best bloggy #IRL friends, Laura ~ The Hollywood Housewife is hosting a blog post link up called One Day 2012.  Her idea is to have you follow your life in […]