Welcome To Our Table

The LoveFeast girls are down to Nashville, Tennessee for a blogging conference called Blissdom.  We are writing this post as a bit of an intro as to who we are and what LoveFeast is all about.  Maybe you’ve joined us at our table before or maybe you are a new Blissdom friend stopping by to check us out for the first time!  Either way we’re glad you’re here to find out a little more about what’s happening around our table.

We are 2 friends.  Kristin is from Baltimore, Maryland and Chris Ann is from Minneapolis, Minnesota.  We both use live in Maryland together where we first met, raised our kids together for many years, and enjoyed many a meal with our husbands, children and friends at our table.  You can see our conversation about our journey here.

We started this blog as a launch to some of the creative ideas we had.  We are entrepreneurs and dreamers .  We come up with more creative ideas than we can keep up with sometimes! Can anyone else relate to that?

Over the last 3 years our blog has grown into a blossoming community, a vibrant promotional writing business and an online boutique.  Our blog has given us the opportunity to work with brands and companies and to tell stories from our point of view about what brings happiness and a beautiful life. 

In other words, if you have an amazing hotel or product we would love to hear from you!!

We spend a lot of time finding just the right type of inspiring products to offer in our LoveFeast Shop.  They are the types of things we love, that are creative, high-quality and beautiful.  We want you to find them inspiring!

You may have seen our yummy Plush Pumpkins around the internet.  And yes, we’re making velvet pumpkins cool for Spring.

Weddings anyone?  How can you resist decorating or gifting with a heart-shaped velvet pumpkin?

Besides holding down the fort in our homes, running an online boutique and promotional business here on our blog, we also host in-real-life blogger meet-ups.  These boutique style events, called BlogLove™ events are a wonderful way to meet up with other bloggers and also a great way to show off your brand or product.  We have had amazing brands like Therapon and other local sponsors and online brands find it a great opportunity to build relationships. 

And, it is great way to find an excuse to visit each other IRL!






We also feel strongly about giving back.  And, in some ways maybe are a bit too ambitious for our own good.  We’re currently working with Feed My Starving Children to host a LoveFeast Table Mobile pack unit.  This unit will provide the opportunity for a group of 500+ volunteers to pack 100,000 nutritional meals especially formulated for starving and malnourished  children.

Anyone know of a group (specifically bloggers) that would be interested in hosting a turn-key, community building, give-back event?  Interested in helping? donating? Donate here.  Ideas anyone?! ~ Oh and by the way did we mention we are trying to raise $24,000?

Oh, and to raise awareness, we’re sending The Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook around the blogosphere and inviting bloggers to share the recipes they’ve made and the doodles and stories from their tables.  We’re calling it The Traveling Cookbook.  Later we will auction off this one of a kind “scrapbooked” cookbook memoir to raise money for the LoveFeast Table Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack.

The Traveling Cookbook

The Traveling Cookbook

All this in between laundry loads, conference calls, taking pictures of product, writing, planning and posting?  Can we get a witness?

We’re not just two crazy hat ladies trying to paint colors on the picture of their dreams.

This is us ~ as guests of GE Appliances Momsperience at the 21C Hotel.

We’re actually seeing it happen!

We’re here at Blissdom to find more like minded friends to join us at the table!

We’re the type of friends to pull up a chair and invite you to stay a while and tell us a little about yourself.  There is always room for another chair at our table!

So tell us a little about yourself!!  Are you a dreamer like us? A reader, a shopper or a Blissdom blogger?

Leave a comment ~ join us on facebook or follow us on twitter and introduce yourself ~ We want to hear your story!