Archives for August 2010

Finding Inspiration

Recently when I sat on the blogger panel at Great Grapes Wine, Arts and Music Festival, a question came up that had me address finding inspiration for content creation. We find inspiration all around us!  That is one of the reasons we have Fancy Fridays here at LoveFeast Table.  There are colors, or lack thereof, dishes, food, people, murals, flowers and even purses that inspire us! Chris Ann and I also like to explore new places!  We will travel high and low for inspiration.  We've found it at skate-parks and in … [Read more...]

Remember the London

Love: "I started noticing how stained the pavements are in London. The pavements in Beverly Hills aren't used; in London, they're used for everything. It doesn't matter how much they're cleaned, they still reflect light." ~Julie Christie Feast: We were in New York City, at Gordon Ramsay's The London Bar.  Four women, gathered at the table.  Three of us had wine while Chris Ann sipped on a Pimm's.  We ordered an amazing smoked bacon pizza with arugula and Parmesan.  It had a light, crispy crust with just the right … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday Shoes~BlogHer Or Bust!

OK my friends its time for a little "what's going on behind the scenes" chat!!  Kristin & I are doing our "SuperMom" routines trying to get ourselves out the door for our New York City blog conference, BlogHer 10.  We've had meetings, soccer tryouts, laundry to do, swimming lessons, kids to bathe and schlep around, meals to make, and....on top of that, business cards to create, bios to write, orthodontist appointments to make, posts to keep up with, parties to plan (BlogLove!), suitcases to pack (BlogHer 10)....AND...did I … [Read more...]

S’mores Campfire Fondue

There are a few foods that scream, "Summer is here!"  Snowballs, hamburgers on the grill, blueberries and S'mores! A few days ago, this package came to me in the mail. Momzshare friend,  (we met because of a mutual love for Brunello) Laura from Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom and Amy, (Bloggy Bootcamp-resource- giver extraordinaire!)  Resourceful Mommy stalked (our own version) Hersey's chocolate, for a little love.  Somehow, these ladies  thought it would be a lot of fun to put together a train ride bound to BlogHer '10.  … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday Earrings

We're glad you've stopped to visit...cause we're sharing our earrings for Fancy Friday! Many of my earring share a story.  These are from my trip to Santa Fe with my husband last year. Kristin got me these one year for my birthday along with a little note that said, "Every girl should have something with a cameo!" These yellow ones are my latest faves from Urban Outfitters. These have special powers.  Special Powers to make me feel happy. Another pair from Kristin.  They were from a street … [Read more...]