I just got back last week from a week in Ireland. My husband and I took two of our teenagers, Baker Boy and Zap with us. We went to Rostrevor, Ireland to help friends of ours start the process of opening a cafe. Ever since we closed the doors on Jahva House almost 10 years ago, we have dreamed of helping others open their own coffee shops. Needless to say, we were thrilled to have this opportunity to envision, brainstorm, create a business plan, design floor plans and decor, and share great meals and good pints with friends.
Our friends happen to live in a very big manor. The manor is broken up into flats and rooms for guests. There is so much space, even space for a cafe. But, seeing as I have a thing for beautiful homes, I couldn’t help but get pics of some of the home’s detail.
This is the front parlor.
And a painting that flanks it’s fire place.
Each fireplace was unique.
And the accessories in the house added to the whimsy of the home.
But, even with such rich detail, the interior of the home, paled in comparison to what Ireland itself had on display.
Beauty is in the small, carefully crafted details and in the majestic, sweeping scene.
Where have you found beauty and inspiration lately?