Being a Guest in My Own Home

Last week, we had our friends Mike and Terrill stay with us as our guests.  We got ready for them by cleaning their “suite” and primping small gifts.  We wanted them to feel comfortable and welcomed.  Even though they were here for work, we wanted them to feel like they could be here on their off hours and relax.  Unfortunately, we had a weekend that was off the hook for us personally.  I would love to go into detail and share with you all, but honestly I’m so emotionally spent from it all, I don’t want to expend any more energy on it.  I will say, the final culmination of the 48 hours of  “&*?%”  was my husband getting bit by a dog. *sigh*

Anyway, in the midst of the turmoil, the tables were flipped.  Mike and Terrill became the epitome of  house guests.  As I was running my kids from one activity to another, Terrill was busy doing my laundry.  Not only did she work out my piles that were overflowing in the basement, she went and gathered piles from our bedrooms.

Devon was busy trying to finish a whole house remodel, Mike put his painting clothes on and lent a hand.  As I vented and cried to Terrill, she listened while doing my dishes.  At one point she asked me to stop at a grocery store because she needed a few things.  She came out with bags of eggs, milk and bread…to stock my fridge.  I don’t have to tell you the emotional pull going on inside of me.  I wanted to bless them, my guests, with a relaxing weekend.  Instead, they blessed me and my family.  At one point I wanted to argue with Terrill to stop doing all she was doing and I heard a little voice, “It’s more blessed to give then to receive.”  If I was to stop her, I’d take away her blessing in the giving.

It’s hard to receive.  I know in my nature, it’s much easier to dole out the giving, the serving, the doing…not so easy to sit and receive.  I’d say the same is true of Terrill and Mike.  They give sacrificially to many…even when they are tired.  They were an incredible example to me, of being a guest.

A guest is one who can receive, allowing the giver to shower them with gifts and hospitality.  Webster’s dictionary says:

Guest: 2. A person who receives hospitality at the home of another: a weekend guest.

This past weekend, I was a guest in my own home.  I only hope one day to return the favor.



  1. […] think to pack fresh, farm eggs from their chickens into their carry on bags, for you. Thank you Mike & Terrill for bringing such a thoughtful gift! What is one of the most thoughtful gifts you’ve ever […]

  2. […] in our own homes!  Kristin’s friend Terrill routinely washes her dishes and throws in some laundry and brings gifts to her kitchen.  And, when I have friends over, they tend to wind up cooking in […]