Some weeks ago I was bobbing and surfing the Twitter-feeds and the websites connected to them when I came across this recipe from A Farm Girl's Dabbles. It caught my eye and wooed my taste buds. And, it didn't hurt that I had beautiful peaches ripening nicely on my counter. The thing was it was late in the afternoon. The kids were home from school already. I really should have been starting dinner instead of this cake. But, I couldn't resist. Soon, the smell of baked sugar and peaches filled the air. Dinner approached. … [Read more...]
31 Days To Savor ~ Laughter
Hey!! See the light bulb going on? Here is another good idea for our 31 Days of Savoring A Beautiful Life series. Need a break? Grab some friends and go on an adventure for a day! That's what I did with my two friends Mela and Kristen. Did we get our laundry, blogging, house-cleaning and errands done? Nope. But we had a great day clowning around! Sometimes it's hard to balance all of life's to-do-s ! Some times it is hard to find the forest through the trees! But, try to at least find your … [Read more...]
31 Days To Savor ~ Fall Burlap Slipcovers
Having a fall gathering? Isn't this the niftiest idea ever? It's an old burlap sack pulled over the back of a chair and re-purposed as a slipcover. Then, the sack was tied with some twine and decorated with festive ornamental corncobs. This particular one was made out of old coffee bags that were found and purchased for a few dollars at a local coffee shop. I bought some old burlap potato bags at our local garden market for a couple of bucks a piece. I may make these slipcovers, pillows, or let my kids play some old … [Read more...]
31 Days to Savor~Happy Glasses
There's a little story that goes behind these Happy Glasses. Last summer, I picked them up at a flea market in Baltimore...not 'cause I needed them. I picked them up, solely on the premise that they made me happy. I brought them home and told my husband my justification..."They are Happy Glasses." He smiled with a little quizzical grin. Fast forward a few weeks...Chris Ann flew into Baltimore. I went to pour her a drink and pulled out the glass. I asked her, "What is this?" To which she responded, "A Happy … [Read more...]
31 Days To Savor ~ A Guest Shawl
The summer season has faded but, we have had some leftover warm evenings this fall to savor one last meal on our deck. The sun is setting earlier too, so we've been setting up the fire for some added light and warmth. My new favorite table-setting piece and pretty way to savor some lingering hours on the deck? A pretty shawl draped over the chair for my guests. The shawl welcomes my guests by adding some color to my table. And, hopefully adds to their comfort. You could use some old blankets or some cut fabric … [Read more...]
31 Days to Savor~Meditation
Take a moment...or even better, a, to close your eyes and be still. Quiet your mind and your spirit. Take a moment to mentally walk away from the mounting To Do list, taking care of others, creating, cleaning, organizing and talking. Be quiet. Be still. Savor the peace. … [Read more...]
31 Days to Savor~Cooking With Your Kids
Cooking with your kids can be challenging. For me, I need to be in the right frame of mind...rested. I like to have the counters clear, the ingredients set up and the broom ready in the corner. But, there's nothing like those moments in the kitchen with my kids. Helping them to measure, mix and stir. Spending time with them and talking. My kids "fight" over whose turn it is in the kitchen. They guard that time and won't let any of their siblings cross the threshold. It's there time, with me. Let them … [Read more...]
31 Days to Savor~Homemade Pesto
Here in Baltimore, the basil in my garden is beginning to lose it's green. Before winter sets in and summer is no more, I like to make a large batch of pesto. That way, in the cold of winter, I can savor a little taste of summer. Don't be intimidated if you've never made it, it's not hard. Just get out your blender or food processor. Grab some basil, olive oil, nuts...most recipes call for pine nuts, but we have used walnuts and pecans too...garlic, Parmesan cheese and salt and pepper. Click here for a great … [Read more...]
31 Days to Savor~GNO
I saw my sister this past weekend. She was telling me about a friend of hers. My sister had invited her out for a girl's night out (GNO). She said, "Let's go out and have a glass of wine." To which her friend replied, "Like, out of the house?" Truth be told, I don't even have a grid for this. GNO is a must! It is the life blood for us women. It's a chance to speak freely, share our hearts, laugh, relax, catch up and just be women. My husband jokingly refers to it as "Red Tent Time". (Yeah, I mistakenly told him … [Read more...]
31 Days To Savor~Recipe For A Better Sandwich
Today for our 31 Days To Savor A Beautiful Life series we are going to share about the art of making a better sandwich! Life is busy and many of us are too use to running through the drive-thru in search of a sandwich or guilty of eating our childrens' sandwich crusts for lunch while simultaneously cleaning up the kitchen. But, today we are going to talk about taking time to make yourself a better sandwich. I have a few tricks that I think make a better sandwich. The first is good hearty toasted bread. Then add some … [Read more...]