The day after Chris Ann and family arrived, we had to prepare and get ready for a good bye party. Our good friends, Amanda and Noe and their three kids, were moving to Moshi, Africa. (It seems as if there have been a lot of good byes lately!) We had been planning this party for a couple of months and we were so excited when Chris Ann and Todd booked their ticket for the same weekend! That would mean, this would be a LoveFeast in true CA and K fashion!!
The sangria was good and marinated! Devon and Todd began the preparations. We wanted to keep the menu fresh and colorful. We decided on Grilled Chick and Grilled Flank on top of homemade, Spanish Caesar Salad. Years ago, Devon came up with a Caesar dressing that puts most dressings to shame. It is made with yogurt and combined with oven roasted tomatoes, cashews and Manchego cheese…well, one taste, and I promise you will never see Caesar salad the same way! We also oven dried our own tomatoes, and let me tell you, it is a new pantry staple in our home! (Check out recipe below!)
Our friend, Denene, brought fresh fruit salad. We picked up a few loaves of crusty bread. Then I attempted…Sweet and Salty Cake from Baked.
I mixed and stirred and got the cakes in the oven. Chris Ann whirled and twirled around the dining room stacking dishes and folding napkins. She clipped and snipped fresh flowers and loaded up vases. The room took on a relaxed yet festive look! The aroma of cake wafted in the air. Then Devon and Todd, fired up the grill. Char grilled steak permeated the yard! They flipped and turned the meat over the fire! They chopped and tossed the salad! Devon whirred and blended the dressing! The kids ran in and out of the doors! We were in our zone!
The guests of honor arrived first. We chatted and enjoyed a few precious moments of their undivided attention. Then the rest of the guest began to trickle in! Chris Ann came up with a mottled concoction to rim the sangria glasses with. I slathered the icing on the cooled cakes and sprinkled the sea salt. It was coming together!
With glasses full and guests all here, we sat down to enjoy a LoveFeast together! Some of these friends we had not seen in a while. We all caught up. We heard Amanda and Noe’s plans. We shared. We listened. We savored every moment. These are the moments we live for!
We will miss Amanda and Noe. But, hopefully with a little planning and saving, we can enjoy a LoveFeast or two with them in Africa! Bon voyage our friends!
Oven Roasted Tomatoes:
Tomatoes…I’ve used campari, cherry and other small tomatoes
Olive Oil (we have also used truffle oil!)
Sea Salt
Cracked pepper
Fresh Thyme
Garlic cloves
Preheat oven to 250 degrees F.
Wash and dry tomatoes. Cut in half. Place on a sheet pan that has been generously oiled, cut side up.
Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Finely mince garlic and sprinkle on top of tomatoes with fresh thyme.
Place in oven for 2-2 1/2 hours. Larger tomatoes take longer.
Enjoy! We use these in salads, on pizza, in pasta, in mixed veggie, in omelets, really the possibilities are endless!