Heart Pumpkin Winner ~ LoveFeast Shop

Wondering who the winner of the LoveFeast HeartGram™ is?  Wanna know who is going to get to send some Valentine love?

Mixed HeartGram 3 sq

The winner from the giveaway  is ~ Carrie Phillips !!

Comment: I would definitely send this to my mother and make it from my two preschool sons. She would love to get a valentine like this from them! 🙂 Thanks, Carrie (permalink)


Now ~ don’t fret…you can send your own, to your Valentine, your friend or yourself.  It’s OK to love you some heart pumpkins.  We’ve never seen one before this ourselves ~ and that’s why we think their neat!

You can find the HeartGram™  at our LoveFeast Shop, along with plush velvet pumpkins, beautiful jewelry, art, and our delicious LoveFeast Coffee Cake.  We constantly keeping our eye open for an inspired find!

You never know who, or what you’ll find on the journey ~


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