Latest Trip To Mexico


Just a few days ago I got back from another 8 days in Cancun.  I know, don’t hate me.  Who knew, this year would be the year of trips to Mexico!  And, here is a confession…I’m planning to be back again soon!  (Next time with my family!)   Kristin and I and our husbands had a great trip this past October visiting a truly lovely hotel, Azul Sensatori on the Riviera Maya.

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This time I was back in Cancun, with my husband Todd for a business trip and vacation with the company he works for Capstone.  We went a day early to visit a Children’s Home and Community Center near a squatter village in Cancun to give away brand new colorful books from Capstone to the children who lived nearby.

As Kristin and I like to say our lives sometime feel a mixed up affair of lows and highs, luxury’s and more grittier experiences.  Sometimes we like to say of our lives that “It’s a both, and”.  Sometimes life is like that.  And this was the type of dichotomy of experiences that we experienced.  We were greeted by champagne at our hotel and then the following day visited a ramshackle squatter village.  Then returned to go back to dining and vacationing.

Another crazy part of this trip is how Kristin and my friendship and worlds, although five states apart continues to amaze and intersect.  For instance Kristin’s her husband’s good friends for over 7 years (about the time we left Maryland for Minnesota), Mike and Terrill, helped found the Children’s Home we visited.  We and some of our dear friends were able to be here on this trip and meet and get to know Mike and Terrill.  These types of things continue to amaze us and keep us tied together through the miles if not only from this blog.

It’s going to be tricky to sum up the Community Center, the shopping, the fishing village and the palm trees into one post.  So I will be breaking it up into several posts to savor the experience!  Here’s a taste~





  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin. ChrisAnn and Kristin said: Latest trip to Mexico! […]

  2. […] weeks ago I went on a business trip with my husband Todd to Cancun, Mexico.  We flew in a day early, along with a team of people from the publishing […]

  3. […] lately~We’ve been on the road and traveling quite a bit this past month.  First I went to Mexico with my husband on a business trip.  We got a chance to visit and hand out books at the same […]

  4. […] in January, my husband and some of our friends were in Mexico for a business trip for the company they work for.  A group of us flew in a day early  to visit the same […]
