The Traveling Cookbook ~ Coming Soon!

Collaboration thrills us!  There is something about the synergy of bringing a bunch of different people to the table to create and watch what will emerge from coming together.

We want to introduce you to a project we are embarking on called The Traveling Cookbook.  The Traveling Cookbook is a project that will gather stories from many blogger’s tables around recipes and food shared from a featured cookbook.  We chose The Pioneer Woman Cooks (with Ree Drummond’s blessing) as our first book to send on it’s journey.   Kristin is right now, busy working on three recipes in the cookbook.  She is cooking, whisking, serving and sharing up those recipes to her friends and family.  When she is done, she will “scrapbook” in the cookbook  The Pioneer Woman Cooks on the pages of the recipes she prepares.  She will share snippets of the conversation, or photos, sketches or notes.  After she is finished, the cookbook will be carefully wrapped up, slid into a box and mailed to a fellow blogger. (Who will it be?  Well that’s a secret for now!)   That fellow blogger will then repeat the steps and send the book on again.

This adventure will be filled with serendipity.  We will not know where The Traveling Cookbook will go, who will receive it and who will gather around a table and celebrate with it!

While we are not sure where the journey will take this cookbook, we know where it will end up.  When the last blogger is finished, the book will end up back at LoveFeast Table looking a little bit differently than it did when it first went out.  We will have a piece of art and really,  a piece of each person’s heart.  At this point the book, will be auctioned off with all the proceeds going to benefit the LoveFeast Table’s MobilePackTM Project we are hosting for Feed My Starving Children.

We will be posting more about this project as it unfolds.  There will be a badge you can grab that will be linked to a donation page directly for our project with Feed My Starving Children.  Our goal is to raise $24,000 dollars needed to pay for a Feed My Starving Children MobilePackTM unit.  This mobile unit, will make 100,000 meals to be given to children who are starving around the world.

We are bubbling with excitement as we launch The Traveling Cookbook Project into the world.  We invite you to follow it’s journey, the bloggers that share their stories and we hope that we can all gather around the “virtual” table and offer up  meals to children in need.  We hope you participate ~ you’ll end up being a part of the story.

Please join us at the table ~


  1. […] money for Feed My Starving Children.  You can read all about the launch of The Traveling Cookbook HERE  and keep up with it’s journey under the LIFE category – The Traveling Cookbook,  […]