Glass...we have to admit, we weren't feeling the love. Some days just aren't fancy. But, when we began to search around our world, we realized there were a few things that were worthy. Like my great grandmother, GaMa's crystal cut bowls with a snowflake design. They are so delicate. This hand painted Venetian Grappa glass my father in law brought back from Italy. Then my mother in law gave me this hand blown ornament, because she knew I'd love it! The "Scotch Glass" is my husband's favorite, given … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2010
Summer Cocktails & Themes
Over the years, somewhere along the way, Kristin and I began "theme-ing" our summers with a signature cocktail. Looking back...I'm pretty sure it started the summer we moved to Minnesota. The cocktail and theme was suppose to lift our spirits, embody our mojo, and help us get through our busy schedules, holding us up until we'd meet again. It had to be refreshing. It had to make us happy. It had to be a cocktail we would look forward to sharing next time we clinked our glasses together, which we try to do, at least once … [Read more...]
Breville to the Rescue…Once Again!
My husband popped in, mid-day, to grab his forgotten lunch and to give me a kiss. Okay, truth be told, I think he wanted another shot of espresso. So, he hit the grinder button and...nothing. It didn't work. He cleared out the grinds, checked the cord and still...nothing. "You have got to be kidding!" he said. "We've had this grinder (Cuisinart) for less than a year." He gave me a kiss, grabbed his lunch and headed back to work. I hopped in my 'burban and went to the mall. I walked straight in to Williams and … [Read more...]
Today is Our Day
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there! Believe us when we say, we know that your days are full of endless loads of laundry, piles of dirty dishes, driving bus loads of loud children, shopping for and preparing meals for the umpteenth time, wiping snotty noses on your T-shirt, managing EVERYONE's hectic schedule...only to redo the same thing day after day. But, we also know why we're happy to do it! Here are our reasons! Kristin's... Teapot Little Man Zap Drama Boy and Little … [Read more...]
Fancy Friday Cakes
“Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?” -William Shakespeare There will be plenty! Wedding Cake made with pound cake and cream cheese frosting. Coconut Cake with 7 minute Frosting. Strawberry Cheesecake made by my 12 year old boy. Caramel for... Baked's, Sweet and Salty Cake. Devil's Food Cake cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. Gingerbread Baby Cakes. Avacado Pound Cake. Rootbeer Bundt Cake made for me by … [Read more...]
Our Obsession With Chalkboards
This is the logo we created with the help of my talented, computer animator, brother! The silver frame around the chalkboard is part of our story. You see, when my husband and I owned Jahva House, this hung on the wall over the counter. The board was covered with coffee drinks and prices. It was eclectic just like our coffee shop. Our coffee station was an old secretary that we had painted green and it was full of sugars, stirrers, lids and half and half. It sat right next to the stone fire … [Read more...]
We’re Serving Cake Today!
We're glad you stopped by! Guess where we are today? We're visiting our friend, Susan, at She's Becoming Doughmesstic. We're serving up Banana Chip Cake with Whipped Mocha Ganache. It's going to be a great visit! Susan has a great sense of humor and a load of talent. She's also a baker extraordinaire!! So pop on over there and join us at the table! We're swapping stories and having a slice of cake to go with it! And, don't forget to join us this Friday for Fancy Friday Cakes! Add your post about cakes onto our … [Read more...]
Lemon Souffle & More
Here's the scoop on what the week hold for LoveFeast Table! Tonight Kristin is attending a Pioneer Woman book signing in Virginia similar to the one I attended in Minnesota. Later in the week you can catch our story on that as well as a Pioneer Woman Cookbook GiftAway!! Then tomorrow for a change of pace we will be guest posting over at She's Becoming Doughmesstic! It's going to be a little time to relax and chat in cyber/blogging world! Friday is Fancy Friday here at LoveFeast Table. This weeks theme is all about cake!! … [Read more...]
Italy With A Baby
Our friend Cara from Land of Bean asked us to share a traveling story today! Cara has this great (meaning, we wish we had thought of it!) site BlogTrotting. BlogTrotting features bloggers from around the world and they share about their city or trips! It's a virtual way to see the world!! Anyone who's been following us here at LoveFeast Table, knows we love to travel as do our husbands (which makes traveling easier to justify!) When we talk about life values and family values, travel is up there on the list! Todd and … [Read more...]