Archives for July 2011

Fancy Friday ~ Love Feast Table Life

For a while now, we have been hosting a Friday meme called Fancy Friday. Every Friday we share a bit of the images of travels, foods, sights, colors, textures and things around us that inspire us.  We call those special things “fancy”.  Mostly, because they make us feel happy.  Fancy can be as simple as a handful of sharpened color pencils or as majestic as a view of an Indian Temple, the colors of a bowl of mixed berries, or herbs sprouting out of a pot.  If it is what motivates your day, leads your dream, whispers inspiration, … [Read more...]


The first time I met Maggie, AKA Gussy, was last year at one of our BlogLove Events.  I didn't get a chance to talk to her very long, but later in the year, at a conference, we had one of those heart to hearts that left us knowing we had become friends.  Maggie is full of LIFE and creativity and witnessing how she has taken that and turned it into a successful business, is nothing short of inspiring.  LIFE here at our table is about the real LIFE experience...the tangible...the things that happen away from the computer. To … [Read more...]


There is nothing like the buzz around the table when the food gets set, the guests sit down and the conversation begins. Today's guest is Sandy from Reluctant Entertainer.  She believes hospitality is not something that is hard or mysterious, but an act, even with the simplest of gestures, that can make someone feel at home.  She is introducing you to our TABLE a place for conversation to happen and stories to be exchanged. We hope you're getting comfortable here.  We want you to feel at home. Kick off your shoes and join in the … [Read more...]


FEAST is all about food...meals, menus, recipe, reviews and memories around the table.  Pull up a chair, we want to introduce you to today's guest, Jamie of Life's a Feast.  Jamie is one of our long time blogger friends.  We discovered each other quickly on twitter.  She was our FEAST sister across the pond.  We knew when we were planning this week that she was the perfect person to introduce you to FEAST here at LoveFeast.  She is an amazing storyteller and the way she weaves the recipe with the memory, captures all who read. … [Read more...]


We are so excited to introduce to you our first guest blogger this week, Erin from House of Turquoise.  Erin inspires us daily on her many decorating blogs. We LOVE to go there for inspiration and daily eye candy.  She is introducing to you our first category, LOVE.  If you notice, we have created four categories that all of our posts will live under.  LOVE is the category that is total, design, decor, bits & baubles, get the idea.  As we prepared for Erin to come, we got inspired to create … [Read more...]

LoveFeast Table Reveal

  We are so excited to finally pull back the curtain and reveal to you our new look.  If you know the two of us, you know that every photo, widget, tag and hanging string (this was recreated three times) had to pass the "does this inspire us" evaluation.  You see, this is the part we love...making things beautiful.  This is the part of our journey we relish, soak in and thrive on.  That's not to say there weren't a few bumps in the road and the travel time took a little longer.  But, we have enjoyed every turn and … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday~Life Word

"There's a great power in words, if you don't hitch too many of them together." ~Josh Billings (1818-1885) What is your word? One word, right now in this time and place that describes you?  Don't think long. What is the first word that comes to mind? Kristin's: POSSIBILITY Chris Ann's PERSERVERENCE … [Read more...]

The Journey Is Part Of The Destination

When we first started this journey 2 1/2 years ago we barely knew where we were going or what we wanted to do.  We started off trying to learn the craft of blogging, dreaming of stories we wanted to share of times we had gathered together around the table.  We had lots of creative ideas, enthusiasm and ambition.  And, we were learning along the way.  Sometimes we started without all the pieces in place, our excitement for all we dreamed ahead of us, leading us on.  And things, it turns out ~ turned out just right. The … [Read more...]

Summer Salad Recipe With Avocados

Certainly it won't kill you to add a few more greens to your diet.  It definitely won't kill me!  With summer underway I have had more than my share of treats, chips, and lovely meals.  This was one of the delicious side-dishes we had over the 4th of July on our Colorado family vacation.  The salad was prepared by a friend of my husband's sister and husband. What first caught my attention, or really my nose, was the delicious sweet orange she prepared.  She meticulously cut the rind with a paring knife and then cut off all … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday Re-Thought

This post was originally written in October 2009.  We've been going through all of our posts to re-categorize them for our new blog look.  When I came across this, I realized we've been in the "re-branding" "re-designing" stage for almost two years.  Part of that process inspired Fancy Friday.  Every Friday we run a meme called Fancy Friday.  We've had some great interaction some weeks and other weeks, not so much.  So, as we re-think we want to ask you...what are your thoughts on Fancy Friday?  Do you have theme ideas?  What … [Read more...]