The night before, I knew something was brewing. My 16 year old son (AKA Baker Boy) was clearing off my dining room table and beginning to "re-tablescape". He had scraps of fabric, tablecloths, candles and flowers out, arranging and rearranging. It was almost midnight. I gave him a hug and kiss and went to bed to leave him to his creativity. The next morning, with a the rattle and hum of a budding chef in the kitchen, my husband and I awoke. The pungent waft of dark, brewed coffee was better than any wake up call. I rubbed my … [Read more...]
LoveBomb Lasagna Style
Over the past few months, along with a few friends, we have been intentionally giving each other a weekly challenge. It's a simple challenge, one that pushes us to think outside of ourselves and consider others. It might be as simple as, "Offer to carry groceries for someone this week," or "Offer to clean a friend's bathroom." At the beginning of this exercise, everyone was invited to put a challenge into a bowl. The kids added their ideas, the moms and dads did too. This week we were challenged to, "Be open and aware of the … [Read more...]
Hot Ginger Tea & China
I haven't been sick in a really long time. I'm the mama of 5 kids after all and I have a killer immune system. So, when this mom goes down, it sends the house into a tail spin. The laundry begins to pile up, kids fend for themselves at meal time, my husband prepares dinner while playing guard, making sure my room stays quiet and uninterrupted. It creates as weird glitch in our somewhat smoothly run, daily routine. I know moms of all stages can relate. Now, usually when I get sick, I can kick a bug with a few good nights sleep. … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving!
For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson We hope that today as you gather with your friends and family around the table, that you will take a moment to savor the sights, feelings, tastes and memories being created. Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving! At the table, … [Read more...]
Early Fall Farro Salad Recipe
Recently we were at a writer's retreat with some friends of ours. It was a beautiful weekend with time to relax, be inspired by one another's stories, wiggle our toes in the lake, get a little paddle boarding in and share delicious meals. The first evening we prepared dinner and the dish that was front and center, was this Early Fall Farro Salad. We used it as a bed for baked white sole. It was a dinner full of fresh, clean flavor not to mention, the best of conversations! 5.0 from 1 reviews Early Fall Farro Salad Recipe … [Read more...]
The Dessert Course~Bread & Wine
People talk about their love language, whether it's a kind word, a gift, an act of service or a hug. For us, our love language is time at the table sharing a good meal, delicious wine and great conversations that linger into the night. In fact, it was the many meals we shared over the years, that inspired LoveFeast Table. There is something sacred that happens when you pull up a chair to a common table with a group of people. With candles flickering, scents of roasted lamb and caramelized onions wafting from the kitchen, the … [Read more...]
LoveBombing Homemade Blueberry Pies
Recently we were given pints and pints of blueberries. There were so many blueberries! We gave many boxes away but even then, were left with many more boxes. Teapot wanted to help me make blueberry pie. A few months ago I had picked up small, disposable pie tins. I said, "Let's make mini pies and LoveBomb* our neighbors!" She was all over it! She got out the aprons, put one on Little Man and we all got to work. We made a mess, but we had so much fun! *LoveBombing is an act of preparing and serving a meal or a … [Read more...]
Farm Fresh Baby Radish Appetizer
We were having life long friends over for dinner and it's been a while. These friends have known Chris Ann and I for over 18 years. They have been through the storms and triumphs of life with us and our families. They are the kind of friends that even though you only see each other once or twice a year, pick up right where you left off. They are the kind of friends we know, know matter where we are in life, if we needed them, they'd come running. To be honest, Devon and I needed them. We've been wrestling over some possible big … [Read more...]