First (4 hour) Opera

You may have seen some of our fun on Instagram last weekend. We were both in New York City with our husbands to see Prince Igor at the New York Metropolitan Opera. I'd like to say that we are opera aficionados and we were well aware that this was the first time Prince Igor had been performed at the NY Met in 100 years, but to be honest, this was a first, for all of us! To attend an opera was on both of our bucket lists and seeing as my cousin, Maria Dolan is an opera singer and was performing in Prince Igor...and...seeing as the … [Read more...]

Piercings, Tattoos & Bonding with Your Teen

Baker Boy bribed me. He said, "Mom, if you take me to get my tregus  pierced, I'll pay to have your nosed pierced." Yup, he did. Yes, he wanted something for himself, a ride to the piercing/tattoo shop and he was willing to pay to make it happen. But, as a mama of 3 teenage boys, I like to think there is an unspoken need in between those lines.  He didn't ask his dad or his brother (who drives), he asked me. I know a lot of parents who are against piercings and tattoos. Many of whom I call friend. I have a very good friend who … [Read more...]

Our Friendship Story~Part 2

We were a little nervous. We'd never been to their home before and here they had invited us to celebrate their son's 1st birthday with them. We pulled up and squeezed our Hyundai Scoop in behind a few other cars. There were a lot of people here. We unbuckled our son, popped the trunk and got our gift out of the back. Linking fingers, we walked up the sidewalk towards the house. We heard a lot of voices coming from the back yard. "Do we go to the front door or just walk around back?" I asked Devon. "Let's just go around back," he … [Read more...]

Our Friendship ~ Story Part 1

Colorado was behind us now. We had left our sanctuary, our beginnings as a married couple. He was just 19 and I was 22. We had married on a mountaintop and had our baby in a town where no one knew our past. Our little town of LaVeta only had 700 people in residence. LaVeta was the perfect stage for falling in love. We woke up every morning, facing the Spanish Peaks, the only mountain range in Colorado that ran east to west. It daily pointed it's majestic finger to home. We would drive up a windy road, weaving in and out of the … [Read more...]

Inspiring Kids Through Real Life Experiences

"My name is Kristin, and I'm a homeschool mom." This is a phrase, 15 years ago, I never thought I'd say. Kinda like when I announced to my husband, "I'll never drive a wood-grained paneled mini van." You guessed it! That was the very, next car I drove. I ate my words. Nine years ago, I embarked on a new adventure, the one of a homeschool mom. Our family sold our home, our belongings, packed it up and moved to Hawaii for a few months where we were training to serve abroad. I didn't have a choice but to homeschool. Really, I was … [Read more...]

Sofa Confessional

I shared with you A Sofa Story and how our current sofa helped to create a home. We loved that sofa for a long time, but I must confess, the love is wearing thin. My kids wanted to put their two cents into the ring. So, we created a Sofa Confessional in our closet and let them rant. *I am participating in Su Casa Furniture's Test It, Blog It, Win It. I get to choose a sofa of my choice, let it live with me for a month, blog about it, try it out and if I'm chosen as the winner (based on creativity) I get to keep the sofa. If … [Read more...]

Thoughtful Gifts, Fresh Eggs & House Guests

There is nothing like have house guests that think to pack fresh, farm eggs from their chickens into their carry on bags, for you. Thank you Mike & Terrill for bringing such a thoughtful gift! What is one of the most thoughtful gifts you've ever received? … [Read more...]

A Sofa Story

We were happy to be back in the States. We had just spent 6 months traveling abroad with 4 young kids under the age of 10.  We had backpacked the 2 year old all over China, taken our 9 year old to a Chinese clinic to be treated by a cigarette smoking doctor that we couldn't understand, bathed children in a bucket in the Philippines heated with an electric (yes, electric!) heater and eaten food unknown to most Americans. It was a trip of a lifetime and the stories and friends we collected along the way, were … [Read more...]

Travel Me This, Nomad

I just wanted to share with you a treasure I just received...Sibella Court's Nomad....A global approach to interior style. Have you ever received a book that you just don't want to end? You digest a page a day, let the words sink in, the images take hold in your savor, taste and try out how they land in your space. I'm only a few pages (10 to be exact) into this book, but each page I've read has delivered pure inspiration. This morning I'm sinking my creative juices into Siblella Court's "About Me" page: I am I … [Read more...]