Finding Inspiration

DSC_0441Recently when I sat on the blogger panel at Great Grapes Wine, Arts and Music Festival, a question came up that had me address finding inspiration for content creation.


We find inspiration all around us!  That is one of the reasons we have Fancy Fridays here at LoveFeast Table.  There are colors, or lack thereof, dishes, food, people, murals, flowers and even purses that inspire us!


Chris Ann and I also like to explore new places!  We will travel high and low for inspiration.  We’ve found it at skate-parks and in Italy or at museums and flea markets.  Recently we headed to Charm City Craft Mafia’s Craft Show.  It was in an old church in Baltimore.  There were t-shirt artists and letter press printers.  There were jewelers and luminary makers!


Every booth, each person we met, was  like putting an extra paint brush in our tool box!  We got new ideas for business cards…for swag bags and even for custom jewelry!


Just wanted to encourage you today, if you’re hitting an artistic or writer’s roadblock and you need new inspiration, head out to a local craft show or even your farmer’s market!! There are new ideas to be found everywhere!
