I didn’t know if I even wanted to admit this. I’ve been agonizing over whether to share this with you or not. But, it’s about honesty, right? Being transparent in this blog…right? Ok, on Thanksgiving morning, a bunch of us handed out “love feasts” all over Baltimore city. Different people donated turkeys, potatoes and baked goods. Then about 50 of us gathered Thanksgiving morning to distribute 200 plates of food to homeless, shut ins and anyone else we met. It was a beautiful morning! But, as you can see, I was asked to contribute green bean casserole! (There are many variations of this recipe. I used the one on the Frenchs fried onion packet. I couldn’t even envision spicing it up!) I have to admit, this goes against my very constitution. I opened 8 #10lb cans of green beans, added 10 cans of creamed mushroom, tossed in some fried onions and baked it. “Shouldn’t I be steaming fresh green beans?” I asked myself. But, then I realized. Love Feast is about more than just preparing the freshest food. It is about more than gourmet or beauty. It is about meeting people right where they are. Here in Baltimore, Thanksgiving isn’t complete without green bean casserole. So, as I topped the hot green bean casserole with more fried onions, I realized I was preparing an important part of someone’s Thanksgiving love feast! Who would’ve thought?
I thought I’d never!
Thank you for sharing such lovely memories. You made me laugh, you made me cry, and you made me very hungry for some good eats.
Carol Conroy