Sabrina, from The Tomato Tart, is one super generous gal. She spends her life loving her friends, living life with her husband, creating, exploring and embracing the world around her! She is one of the first to jump in and put her talents and passions to use to bring awareness to the needs around her. In March 2011, she motivated others to raise over $8,ooo for those who were devastated in Japan through an online Bake Sale. We love having her at our table today. My dad was a cookie guy. If I close my eyes, I can see him … [Read more...]
Feast - All things related to feasting.
Holiday Breakfast Buffet
Every Christmas morning, before the kids are allowed to come out of their rooms, my husband and I heat up our Breville Espresso maker. (We kinda have a thing for the much so we've been known to take it across the country.) He will make a double shot of espresso for himself and an Americano for me. Meanwhile, I pull the cinnamon rolls that have been proofing overnight, out of the fridge and put them on top of the stove to come to room temperature. This is one of our favorite Christmas morning rituals. We have a … [Read more...]
Pavlova in Ireland
How does Pavlova find itself on the table of an Irish meal? Well, if you're my friend Jenn, whose husband moved to Ireland when he was a little boy, from New Zealand, it's totally normal. While we were in Ireland, we shared a number of amazing meals. We had fresh mussels and fish curry, roasted chicken with spuds in jackets, pasties, fish and chips, cinnamon twists and a roasted lamb dinner that made me fall in love with my husband all over again! Our hostess Jenn, began cracking eggs and separating them. … [Read more...]