My husband popped in, mid-day, to grab his forgotten lunch and to give me a kiss. Okay, truth be told, I think he wanted another shot of espresso. So, he hit the grinder button and...nothing. It didn't work. He cleared out the grinds, checked the cord and still...nothing. "You have got to be kidding!" he said. "We've had this grinder (Cuisinart) for less than a year." He gave me a kiss, grabbed his lunch and headed back to work. I hopped in my 'burban and went to the mall. I walked straight in to Williams … [Read more...]

Honestly, I didn’t know what Cherimoyas were a week ago. The Minneapolis Tribune did a tiny “meet and greet” this fruit article. So, I thought it would be the perfect “food toy” (see our definition of a food toy at the end of this post) purchase. At $9.99 a pound, it wouldn’t be my everyday go-to fruit! But, for “the blog” I went to hunt them out. Two grocery stores later, I found them high on a shelf at Byerly’s. When I went to pay for them, nobody knew what they were and it sent managers and check- out people … [Read more...]
Chantrelle Risotto and Food Toys

I was exposed at a young age to mushrooms. My mom loved them, I hated them. (Of course, looking back, she prepared only canned, slimy, rubbery mushrooms.) When I married an aspiring chef, he was bound and determined to convert me. I thought it was impossible. I can't remember the exact dish...or the type of mushroom...probably at that point, portobellos were the mushroom of choice. All I know is, I was a convert! I love mushrooms of any shape and size! But, one of my favorites is chanterelles. If you've never … [Read more...]
Inspired at the Food Toy* Museum

After our incredible meal at Momofuku, we geared up...hats, gloves, coats...and braced ourselves for the crisp, frigid New York air. We were back on the streets with one destination in mind. Dean and Deluca! The Food Toy* Museum! The moment I walked in, all of my senses took over! Visually, I didn't know where to rest my eyes. I found myself walking up to a display of fruit and lingering, like I did when I first cast my eyes on The Birth of Venus in Florence. The textures, vibrant colors and brilliance were breath … [Read more...]