LoveFeast Table Recap 2010

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We’ve had another full year here at LoveFeast and we’re glad you’ve come by and visited our table.  This year marked some big experiences for LoveFeast. We’ve reached some blogging milestones, got new cameras and equipment, went to conferences and meet-ups and even launched and hosted our very own, BlogLove™ events.  Some of our highlights include our promotional trip to Azul Sensatori in Cancun as well as working with brands such as Aveda and other local businesses in our cities of Baltimore and Minneapolis.  This is a year we got a chance to simmer a little longer on our “brand” and what it means to us.

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You see we believe in “savoring” the journey of LoveFeast Table.   And, if you’ve stopped by for a nibble at our table or lingered to read, snack and chat…you’ve added to our pleasure!!  We have many friends to thank for visiting our table!  You may have joined us~lingered, listened,  left a comment here, a twitter there…or answered a gracious yes to guest posting and sharing your story or a recipe.  This year has had been marked by persistence, learning, continuing the journey, glee, surprise, adventure and sometimes relief that we got it all done!!  But, what ever the memory or milestone it was richer to be shared with you, our readers and friends.

Here are some of the events & people that have made our year memorable!

The year started with an epic snow for Kristin in Baltimore.   She celebrated her birthday in style despite the weather.  We got a lot accomplished through this year, even when the epic flood followed!  We found ourselves visiting various blogger events such as Bloggy BootCamp, Blissdom, Relevant and eventually BlogHer in New York City.  Along the way we got in the occasional visit, shared some stories about chalkboards, dishes and love.  Our first born sons turned 16.  We sent one of our youngest on the school bus and talked about motherhood and we talked about our passions.  We did some “love-bombing” (LoveBomb-ing Boys @Ridge, Sharing a Cupcake & A Table).  We launched our first BlogLove™ Event, bloggers networking event in Baltimore followed by another wonderful BlogLove™ event in Minnesota.  We were thrilled by the response!   We were inspired and survived our first attempt at a “series” (31 Days of Savoring A Beautiful Life).  We had an amazing LoveFeast trip to Azul Sensatori in Mexico and visited an orphanage there.  We had one of the most memorable meals of our lifetime.  We did our first vlog for a local business.  We shared some recipes and were lucky enough to have some of you share yours!  It was a good year indeed!

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Along with our community of readers…we had some wonderful guests at our table this year.  They pulled up a chair and shared their recipes, stories and time, talents, encouragement and inspiration with us.  They made our year and the time we shared at the table special!  These are some of our highlights & some of the special people at our table this year!

January/2010 Kristin’s friend Ryan shared his photography tips with us!  Check out his Flicker account here.

February/2010 Laura, our friend and Hollywood Housewife, guest posted sharing her fabulously styled Hollywood house with us!~Fancy Friday Hollywood Style

March/2010 Our friend, Jamie, Life’s A Feast, who shares our idea of living and feasting on life and who we intend to meet some day shared a story and recipe from her kitchen across the pond.

May/2010 Greg, Sippity Sup, created a pink cocktail just for us (we suspect in his fab kitchen featured in this month’s Food & Wine) right before summer!  We have video to prove the pink concoction was sweet and deadly!  The video of the crazy ladies sipping cocktails on a front porch swing and rambling LoveFeast wisdoms in pink boas are safely sealed in the LoveFeast vault.

June/2010 We hosted our first BlogLove™ event in Baltimore.  Kate from Hip Girls Guide To Homemaking shared her Fancy Friday kitchen table cuteness!

August/2010  Amanda, I Am Baker drove the distance and delivered beautiful signature BlogLove™ cookies to our Twin Cities’ BlogLove™ event! And Suzanne, from Suzanne Jean Photography captured the moment and did our first LoveFeast photo shoot.

We are thankful to those business who participated in our BlogLove™ events!! Aveda Store, Southdale Mall, Edina, MN ~ Camille en Rouge Prior Lake, MN ~ Kelli Lea ~Sewing ~Prior Lake, MN ~ The Vintage Pearl ~ Houndstooth, Savage, MN ~ J & J Inspirations ~ Edelweiss Bakery, Prior Lake, MN ~ Sweet Goddess Chocolates, Savage, MN ~ My Urban Halo ~ Zeke’s Coffee ~ Sweet Mary ~ The Melting Pot ~

October/2010 We were encouraged and inspired to try a 31 days series ~ LoveFeast’s “31 Days To Savoring A Beautiful Life” by these lovely ladies ~ Sandy, Reluctant Entertainer ~ Nester, Nesting Place ~ Emily, Chatting at the Sky ~ Jen, Balancing Bedlam and Beauty ~ Darcy, My 3 Boybarians ~ Melissa, The Inspired Room ~ Emily, Remodeling this Life ~Kendra, My First Kitchen ~ (we tried to keep up & we did it, even while we were in Mexico!! ) We also launched our LoveFeast Shop!

November/2010  BlogLove™Aveda hosted at the Southdale Mall Aveda, Edina, Minnesota.  And, Kate, Kate In The Kitchen, sat down again at our table, to share her idea of family and cooking with us.

December/2010 These talented and generous friends and bloggers came to our table and graciously shared their stories, memories and recipes with us in our first LoveFeast’s Holiday Cookie Exchange ~ Brenda, A Farm Girl’s Dabbles ~ Michelle, Gluten Free Fix ~Jamie, Life’s A Feast ~ Kate, Kate In The Kitchen~Deeba,  Passionate About Baking ~ Rosa, Rosa’s Yummy Yums ~Heidi’s, Heidi’s Recipes ~ Stephanie, Fresh Tart ~ Natalie, Bake And Destroy ~ Rachael, Tokyo Terrace ~ Ria, Ria’s Collection ~ Kristen, High Heels And A Hammer ~ And, Sandy, Reluctant Entertainer shared her thoughts on celebrating Christmas.

Also, in Decebmer 2010 we were so pleased to have Walaika Haskins, from Bmore Media interviewed us for a feature story.  It was a great time to reflect on what we’ve learned, why we’re here and where we want to go!

We were happy to guest blog (Getting Kids To Make Healthy Choices) for Classic Play.  We shared our love of travel with Cara, at BlogTrotting.  And, we shared a piece of banana chip cake and Angel Food with Susan at She’s Becoming Doughmesstic. In addition, our talented friends Sandy, Gussy and Janelle shared giveaways!

Thanks for making our year, 2010 a remarkable year.  We’re so very glad to have shared time together at our table!  Here’s to new adventures, for 2011 ~ we see some on the horizon and some are not yet in sight!!  As we embark on the journey of another year, we hope you’ll pull up a chair and join us at the table often!

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