Some of you know, we have been in an 8 month process of redefining our look for LoveFeast Table. You see, when we started blogging 2 1/2 years ago, we thought we were going to write a cookbook. That’s what started us on this blogging journey. We had shared so many amazing meals around the table (over the 14 years we had been friends along with our growing families), we thought we wanted to document them. We wanted to share not only the original recipes, but also capture the conversations that took place as well as the environment and overall feel that were part of the meal. We looked at font after font that captured our feel and Kristin sketched it out. We put a frame around it, because it was part of our story, and created our original logo:
We also picked a WordPress template (this one) because it was easy on the eyes. We didn’t know about functionality or finding a site that would help clearly communicate who we were. To be honest, the start of our blogging journey, was just the beginning of discovering who we were at LoveFeast Table and what we were trying to say.
Over time, we struggled to fit ourselves into a blogging genre. We started with foodies. Were we a food blog? We featured recipes, meals and restaurant reviews. But, we realized we had more to say. We were the moms of 9 kids combined. We had kids aging in range from 16 to 4. Were we mom bloggers? What about the part that we were both artists who are absolutely in love with anything that inspires. We decorate, do projects, craft, paint and just plain love anything beautiful. Were we home and garden bloggers? We love throwing a party or creating multi course meals for friends. Were we event planners? Should we even be blogging since we love “In Real Life” time more? Can you see our struggle? Well, because we are dreamers and firmly believe in not boxing ourselves in, we decided we were all the above. But, somehow, we realized, we needed to be able to better communicate that to you.
Fast forward to today. We are working on a blog redesign that will clearly define who we are as a Lifestyle blog. We are getting a new look. Here’s a peek:
We have five categories we will be blogging under:
LOVE…This will include things we love…art, music, tablescaping, design, fashion, crafting projects, decor, Fancy Friday and bits & baubles.
FEAST…This includes meals, recipes, restaurant reviews, food toys and anything involving the art of eating.
TABLE…This is where we have a conversation. We will feature guests that join us, interviews, stories about our friends, our journey and our community.
LIFE…This is about the experience. Things like travel, events we attend, BlogLove Events, Love Bombing and giving back campaigns.
BOUTIQUE…This is our shop. This shop will be filled with items we discover on our journey. They are hand picked items that reflect our authentic journey. These items will be featured in our shop as we discover them. There may be a limited number of them or they may find a permanent place in our Boutique. But, we promise they will be beautiful!
Some of you may have stopped over from Pioneer Woman’s site today. Thank you for pulling up a chair and getting to know a little about us. We hope you’ll come back again. We love meeting new people! If you want to connect a bit more and walk along side us on this journey, you can find us on twitter @LoveFeast, on facebook HERE and of course you can sign up for our RSS feed.
If you’ve come because you just love that necklace, you can click on SHOP or the necklace button on the side and you will be directed to our Boutique. We love this necklace and know you will too!
Thanks for joining us at the Table!
Chris Ann & Kristin