Archives for May 2011

GE~Choosing Your Appliance

Until two weeks ago, I had two ways of choosing the appliance that was right for our home.  The first (and most important in my book) was the look of the appliance.  Was it aesthetically pleasing and would it match the mood of the room along with the other appliances? The second factor for me in choosing an appliance was the price.  My contractor husband is always on the look out for "out of the box" deals at our local Home Depot and Lowes. We were told not too long ago by an appliance repair man that the life span of … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday Memorial Day Recipe Inspiration

We're sharing recipes good for a long weekend today at LoveFeast Table! This salad and dressing are delish.  Devon, Kristin's husband whipped it up for our first Minnesota  BlogLove™ event "Europen Marketplace" and it was received with raving reviews! LoveFeast's own Spanish Chicken Ceasar  Salad The LoveFeast Table tradition when we are visiting each other is to mix together a pitcher or in this case a bucket of homemade Sangria. "Tim the Toolman" Sangria This is  a great side dish to bring along to a … [Read more...]

The Story Of How We Made It Into Rome

Lately we have had the travel bug bad.  Granted, we have had a get-away weekend with the GE Momsperience. But, for us that never cures the fever it actually infects us with more need to roam.  Kristin likes to think we're nomads or gypsys at heart!  We don't let much stop us from travel.  We have 9 kids between our two families.  Every couple of years we find time to go with just the 4 of us.  This past year we went to Cancun.  Did we ever tell you about the time we went to Italy with a baby? Did we ever share about how … [Read more...]

Red Penguin Art At 21c Museum Hotel

The red penguins are on the move everywhere at the 21c Museum Hotel.  They greeted us at the door, welcomed us to the GE Momsperience and loitered in the lobby, restaurant and everywhere in between.             They get around those penguins.  One night plumb tuckered out after some fancy hat making they wandered around (or were they carried?) until they found themselves a place to rest. Meanwhile, while the penguins were getting comfortable, the LoveFeast girls were … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday Hats ~ Kentucky Derby Style

And so we didn't.  Kristin made hers... And, I made mine... On our first evening at the GE Momsperience we were treated to hat making led by the lovely ladies from Dee's Crafts.  What a treat. It was fun to get to know everyone's personal style and flair right off the bat!                               Word on the street or at least in the 21c Museum Hotel is that later on … [Read more...]

GE Momsperience 2011 In Louisville

This is where we've been hanging around the last few days.  It's the stables at Churchill Downs where we've been sipping on mint juleps.  Well, not just that, lots of other things too~ We've also been hanging out with red penguins, GE Appliances and other bloggers this past weekend for the first GE Momsperience.  GE Appliances hosted a fabulous weekend for a group of bloggers and their guests.  It was a time to learn more about the brand, share ideas and start a conversation.  We had a creative itinerary full of time to … [Read more...]

21c Museum Hotel ~ GE Momsperience

The LoveFeast girls have found themselves in Louisville, Kentucky.  We're here at the inspiring and modern 21c Museum Hotel.  The hotel is truly a place to get your creativity peaking.  We've had delicious meals at the hotel's restaurant Proof on Main, lively conversation with smart women, fine dining, hat making and interacting with the art that surrounds the spaces.  We've got some stories to tell already. We've friend-ed one of the bartenders who has spilled some restaurant cocktail recipes for LoveFeast ~ perfect timing with … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday~Summer Cocktail

It's that time of year again.  It's the time when we "theme" our summer.  Part of  "themeing" our summer, is adding a summer cocktail to the mix.  It's a tradition that began in Italy and it is a part of how we roll. There's something about summer that ushers in a chance to revitalize, re-envision and rest.  Sure we know that the summer brings kids running through the house all day long, prepping pool bags and packing countless snacks for the day and trying to keep everyone from being bored.  Part of our strategy is the summer … [Read more...]

Mud Puddle Friends

You know how some days your mind wanders back to what use to be?  Some days I find myself, as I know Chris Ann often does, thinking back to the days we were in the same neighborhood, in the same city.  We sometimes wonder how our friendship became so strong and precious.  We have traveled the world together, to places like Italy and Mexico.  We have shared gourmet meals and attended inspiring events together.  But, I think our friendship became what it is today because we have stood in life's mud puddles together. You see, … [Read more...]

On Our Table ~ This Week In May

We just got off a busy week here at LoveFeast Table.  We launched our LoveFeast shop with a beautiful Mother's Tree Of Life Necklace by jewelry designer and artist Liz Oie of Oie Jewelry.  We were so pleased to be featured in The Pioneer Woman's  Mother's Day gift ideas week.  It was fun to connect with customers by email and phone, learning the details and excitement that go into such a personal gift.  It was fun to hear how much they like the necklace!  We will be working with Liz closely and adding beautiful bits and baubles … [Read more...]