Whoohooo!! Guess who is blowing out 40 candles today!! Kristin! My LoveFeast Table partner in crime. Now that Kristin is at "the top of the hill" (I didn't say it first!) you could say that it will be all down hill from here ~ LOL. But, I can tell you this (from experience) Kristin's 40's ~ will probably be more of all the wonderful things her life is already filled with a loving husband, beautiful kids, an artistic cozy welcoming home, a table full of family friends who admire and respect her. And a bff and biz partner … [Read more...]
The Heart Of Savoring Beauty ~ Giving
A couple of years ago Kristin and I did some promotional work for a lovely hotel in Playa del Carmen called Azul Sensatori. During our trip we visited a Children's Home that friends of Kristin and Devon's, Mike and Terrill, had been working on for about ten years. It was the perfect time to see the progress that had happened over the years, with our own eyes. After our first visit my husband had the inspiration to invite his company to get involved with this project. That inspiration became the beginning of yearly trips … [Read more...]
Friendship in Raising and Releasing Children
Today, I'm home in Baltimore, homeschooling my 3 younger kids (in theory). My husband is at work with our 14 year old who is off of high school this week. My oldest son, Drama Boy (17) is in Minnesota with Chris Ann and her family. My thoughts have drifted to 15 years ago, when our two oldest sons were toddlers sharing a plastic table with a plate of cut up chicken nuggets and apples. Their vocabulary was limited, but somehow, even then, Chris Ann and I saw how easy they were with each other. They accepted each … [Read more...]
Skateboard Art Inspiration
When looking for products for LoveFeast Shop, there are a few criteria that we look for. 1) Does it make us happy? 2)Would we have it in our own homes and lives? 3)Is it unique? 4)Is it finely crafted? 5)Does it reflect a part of our journey? Recently we added Skateboard Art to our Shop. As soon as we stumbled on this artist at a local craft show and saw the unique ways she had upcycled used skateboard decks, we knew it was a perfect fit. The luggage tags were unique and made us smile. Not to mention, added to a … [Read more...]
Entrepreneurial Spirit
I was at my aunt and uncle's on Christmas. They are both entrepreneurs. They each had a dream, set out to pursue it and didn't let anything stand in the way of making it happen. My uncle was our business manager when we opened Jahva House. He helped us write a business plan, think through the finances and marketing and was a wealth of information. He has an entrepreneurial spirit. One of my cousins was sharing how he thought he may transition one day from being in law enforcement to starting his own company. I said, "It's … [Read more...]
Our LoveFeast Table
Head of the table: Kristin's oldest (about 9 years) now 17 ~ we just celebrated 16 years last year. Kristin's 2nd son and my oldest daughter about 5 years, a plate for Kristin's baby girl (seen with the pigtail below at about 18 months), on the left my 3rd born (about 2 year here), next to him Kristin's 3rd born (about 3 years) and then my oldest at about 9 years. (Missing our two children born after we moved apart.) This is the TABLE. The table from where the heart of this blog began. These are our peeps. This picture … [Read more...]
Living Our Dream Business
There is a saying around our home, "Pursue your passion." My husband and I have lived our life with this motto. For some families, it's not one they make their decisions by, however, it's been front and center for most of our life choices. I am fortunate enough to be pursuing my dream business for the second time in my life. The first time was at the age of 26 when my husband and I, with only $50 to start, opened a coffee shop/cafe called Jahva House. It was our business learning curve. It was full of life, artists, musicians, … [Read more...]
The Story Of How We Made It Into Rome
Lately we have had the travel bug bad. Granted, we have had a get-away weekend with the GE Momsperience. But, for us that never cures the fever it actually infects us with more need to roam. Kristin likes to think we're nomads or gypsys at heart! We don't let much stop us from travel. We have 9 kids between our two families. Every couple of years we find time to go with just the 4 of us. This past year we went to Cancun. Did we ever tell you about the time we went to Italy with a baby? Did we ever share about how … [Read more...]